Garden Photos

Recommended Books

Click on a book for more information

Better Homes & Gardens, New Garden Book     Square Foot Gardening     The Savage Garden, Cultivating Carniverous Plants     National Audubon Society, Field Guide of Birds, Eastern Region     National Audubon Society, Field Guide of Insects and Spiders     National Audubon Society, Field Guide of Trees, Eastern Region

Recommended Magazines

Click on a magazine for more information

Garden Gate     Virginia Gardener     Horticulture Magazine

Beautify Your Place!

I enjoy gardening for three main reasons: 1) It places me in communion with nature, which I have always enjoyed. 2) In today's high speed world, it forces me to slow down and take a breather now and then. Watching trees grow can be very therapeutic. 3) It is nice to create a real oasis around my otherwise ordinary suburban home.

I originally created this site because I wanted to capture in one place all aspects of my hobby (or because, as my wife will tell you, I am a major nerdlinger). But the more I worked on the site, the more I realized that other people might find this information useful too.


  • I have had to remove my gardening forums. Unfortunately, nobody was using them but me and the spammers. I was getting at least a spam a day in them, and I got tired of it. Seemed like a neat idea, but I am not going to maintain them if nobody reads them.
  • Square foot vegetable garden plans, 1999 - present.

This site is still under construction, but here are some things to look for in the near future:

  • Plans of my landscaping and garden, and hopefully plans from other people's gardens too.
  • Interesting movies of garden insects. (Yes, I get a kick out of bugs!)
  • Other interesting gardening related stuff.

Sources for Plants

I am only listing the very best suppliers who I personally use and recommend. There are lots of Internet and Mail Order garden supply companies, but in my opinion, these are among the very best for consistent quality products.

Internet/Mail Order

Local Merchants

Zone Map

Understanding your zone is very important for proper planting. Some plants will not survive harsh winters well (like rosemary and cannas), and some plants need the cold winter to properly bloom in spring (like tulips and lilacs). Virginia, where I live, has just the right mix of cold winters and not-too-hot summers. I'm in Zone 7.

Better Homes and Gardens has a very nice interactive climate zone map that gives detail to the county level. View it by clicking here.

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© Copyright 1995-2004, Scott E. Harris. All Rights Reserved.