The gentlemen of PMPL

Notable Quotes

"Picture this.

It's the mid 80's, Harry is in college, and it's Saturday night out with the boys at the local watering hole. Upon spying a bevy of willing coeds, he declares to his posse, 'Tonight, the blonde goes home with me, Muahahaha!'

I'm guessing we're talking about the same odds here."

— Steve V.


Royal Flush"They're real, and they're spectacular."

— Scott


"Wait. Is this high-low?"

— Harry


League Details

We are a closed group. We play on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm. This is a for fun only league. No real money is used and no animals are harmed in the games.

Today is Saturday, March 15, 2025.


Host Locations

April 2, 2025Steve
May 7, 2025Harry
June 4, 2025Scott
July 2, 2025John
August 6, 2025Phil
September 3, 2025Jim
October 1, 2025Mike W.
November 5, 2025Mike M.


Game Encyclopedia

The infamous PMPL sheet is located here: .


PMPL Emeriti

We tip our hats to these gentlemen no longer in the group.


Poker during the COVID Pandemic, 2020

Neither rain, nor snow, sleet, hail, blizzard, hurricane, nor even a pandemic have prevented us from playing poker. Even in the bitter cold of December 2020, with the pandemic on full rage, we played on Steve's deck in the below freezing weather.

After all, there are priorities in life...

Playing poker in the time of COVID

Playing poker in the time of COVID

Playing poker in the time of COVID

Playing poker in the time of COVID

Playing poker in the time of COVID


Photo Archive

The gentlemen of PMPL

The gentlemen of PMPL

Poker chips
Dealing the poker cards

PMPL in the Christmas parade!

No milk and cookies!

© Copyright 1999-2024, Scott E. Harris. All Rights Reserved.